Establishing the good quality of the seed material and the sowing qualities of the seeds is one of the important aspects of the successful cultivation of sicklepod. At the same time, control of the seed material of medicinal plants, the requirements of which must be consistent with the international standards and the requirements of the «Guidelines on good cultivation and harvesting practice» (GACP) of raw materials of plant origin is impossible without establishing methods for determining its seed qualities. Special attention in the study of these issues should be paid to the seeds of medicinal plants that are grown in culture for a short time, such as sicklepod (Astragalus falcatus Lam.). It should be noted that germination is a standardised and most important indicator of seed quality, which is the basic indicator for the purchase and sale of seeds and the release of seeds for sowing. After all, germination rate established by the standard ensures normal germination of seeds in field conditions, formation of optimal crop density and crop yield. However the conducted patent search – analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents – showed that in Ukraine for a wide range of medicinal and essential oil crops, in particular sicklepod, there are no regulatory documents (current standards) on methods of determining sowing qualities and technical conditions for seeds. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to establish the peculiarities of sicklepod seed germination determining using standard procedures and methods that are applied in domestic and international practice. The methodological approaches used for other crops in regulatory documents both in force in Ukraine and abroad were taken into account. The optimal parameters for determining the germination energy and germination rate of sicklepod seeds were experimentally determined. It was established that the optimal substrate is filter paper, and the germination method – on the filter. The optimal temperature regime for germination is variable (+20–30 °C) temperatures. Accounting periods: germination energy – 5 days, germination – 12 days.
Key words: sicklepod, sowing qualities of seeds, determination methods, germination, substrate, germination method, temperature regime.