Stable glasses of indomethacin (IMC) were prepared by using physical vapor deposition. Wide-angle X-ray scattering measurements were performed to characterize the average local structure. IMC glasses prepared at a substrate temperature of 0.84 Tg (where Tg is the glass transition temperature) and a deposition rate of 0.2 nm/s show a broad, high-intensity peak at low q values that is not present in the supercooled liquid or melt-quenched glasses. When annealed slightly above Tg, the new WAXS pattern transforms into the melt-quenched glass pattern, but only after very long annealing times. For a series of samples prepared at the lowest deposition rate, the new local packing arrangement is present only for deposition temperatures below Tg ؊20 K, suggesting an underlying first-order liquid-to-liquid phase transition.entropy ͉ glass ͉ liquid-liquid transition ͉ supercooled ͉ X-ray scattering I f a liquid is cooled to just below its melting point, one of two outcomes will be observed. If the liquid readily forms crystal nuclei, then crystals will form and grow. Otherwise, the system will remain in the now metastable liquid state. In the absence of crystallization, further cooling of this supercooled liquid will result in slower dynamics, and eventually, the dynamics will become so slow that the supercooled liquid cannot maintain its equilibrium state (1). At this glass transition temperature (T g ), the system properties deviate from the properties of the supercooled liquid, and a glass is formed.Whereas the liquid-to-crystal transition is a first-order phase transition, the supercooled liquid-to-glass transition is a kinetic event based on relaxation times growing rapidly as the temperature is decreased. A great deal of recent work has been concentrated on understanding the nature of slow dynamics in supercooled liquids (2-11). As a liquid is cooled at lower rates, more time is given for the system to find equilibrium, and thus, T g decreases. For many organic liquids, T g decreases 3-4 K for every order-of-magnitude decrease in the cooling rate. Because there is a practical limit as to how slowly a sample can be cooled, a glass always forms upon cooling (if crystallization does not occur).What if one could cool a supercooled liquid extremely slowly such that equilibrium was always maintained? There are good reasons to believe that something interesting must occur. In 1948, Kauzmann discussed the consequences of very slow cooling for the entropy of a supercooled liquid, which identified the so-called Kauzmann entropy crisis (12). For some liquids, if the entropy is extrapolated to low temperature, it becomes equal to that of the crystal not too far below the conventional T g ; further extrapolation leads to a negative entropy above absolute zero in violation of the third law of thermodynamics. Because this is impossible, it is generally assumed that the extrapolation that produces this crisis must be incorrect, and thus something interesting must occur when a supercooled liquid is cooled very slowly. Several theories...