In this study, the influence of substrate surface finish on scratch resistance and associated failure mechanisms is investigated in the case of a TiN-coated hardmetal. Three different surface finish conditions are studied: as-sintered (AS), ground (G), and mirror-like polished (P). For G conditioned samples, scratch tests are conducted both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the grinding grooves. It is found that coated AS, G and P samples exhibit similar critical load for initial substrate exposure and the same brittle adhesive failure mode. However, the damage scenarios are different, i.e. the substrate exposure is discrete and localized to the scratch tracks for G samples while a more pronounced and continuous exposure is seen for AS and P ones. Aiming to understand the role played by the grinding-induced compressive residual stresses, the study is extended to coated systems where ground substrates are thermal annealed (for relieving stresses) before being ion etched and coated. It yielded lower critical loads and changes in the mechanisms for the scratch-related failure; the latter depending on the relative orientation between scratching and grinding directions. Please find attached electronic files corresponding to our contribution on influence of substrate surface finish on scratch response and induced failure modes for TiN-coated hardmetals, which we (all authors do agree to the submission of the manuscript) offer for publication in Surface and Coatings Technology.I hope it is found satisfactory. Regarding reviewer 1's suggestion for improvement of the manuscript, although it seems rational and suitable, we feel that an additional figure (sketch) in a paper including already 10 other Figures (and most of them with multiple captions) may go beyond the (not written) limit associated with space limitation.
Sincerely yours, Luis LlanesAnd aiming to clarify locations in the various surfaces where residual stresses occur, text has been slightly modified (Within last paragraph in section 3.1):… The coated G condition has a maximum compressive stress of about -1.0 GPa in the substrate surface (i.e. just at the coating-substrate interface). As expected, this value is one order of magnitude higher than those assessed for the coated AS and P conditions at similar substrate surface location, i.e. -0.2 and -0.1 GPa respectively. However, it should be noted that such residual stress level at the substrate surface for coated G specimen is lower ( (1) Several authors (Steinmann et. al., Thin Sol. Film., 1987; Bromark et. al., Surf. & Coat. Technol. 1992) We do have the data for plotting the requested curves but we do not see that they provide any additional useful information to the understanding of the results presented. In addition, the length of the scratch grooves is much smaller than the scratch track and sliding distance (as it may be seen in Figures 3, 4, 7 and/or 8). To provide the requested overlays would therefore require additional figures and corresponding text and consequently extend...