insects is characterized by a near crystalline myofilament lattice structure that likely evolved to achieve high power output. In Drosophila IFM, the myosin rod binding protein flightin plays a crucial role in thick filament organization and sarcomere integrity. Here we investigate the extent to which the COOH terminus of flightin contributes to IFM structure and mechanical performance using transgenic Drosophila expressing a truncated flightin lacking the 44 COOH-terminal amino acids (fln ⌬C44 ). Electron microscopy and Xray diffraction measurements show decreased myofilament lattice order in the fln ⌬C44 line compared with control, a transgenic flightinnull rescued line (fln ϩ ). fln ⌬C44 fibers produced roughly 1/3 the oscillatory work and power of fln ϩ , with reduced frequencies of maximum work (123 Hz vs. 154 Hz) and power (139 Hz vs. 187 Hz) output, indicating slower myosin cycling kinetics. These reductions in work and power stem from a slower rate of cross-bridge recruitment and decreased cross-bridge binding in fln ⌬C44 fibers, although the mean duration of cross-bridge attachment was not different between both lines. The decreases in lattice order and myosin kinetics resulted in fln ⌬C44 flies being unable to beat their wings. These results indicate that the COOH terminus of flightin is necessary for normal myofilament lattice organization, thereby facilitating the cross-bridge binding required to achieve high power output for flight. fiber mechanics; cross-bridge kinetics; thick filaments IN MUSCLE, THE THICK AND THIN filament lattice provides the structural and mechanical foundation for transmitting contractile forces throughout the cell. The highly ordered indirect flight muscle (IFM) of Drosophila melanogaster is an attractive model system to study the relationship between lattice structure and muscle function, because its in vivo lattice organization can be measured via X-ray diffraction in living flies (15) and its function can be measured from the whole fly to the molecule (14,20,30). In addition, the means for producing genetic alterations of specific proteins in D. melanogaster are well established, permitting precise manipulation of thick and thin filament proteins. In this study, we combine these approaches to define the role of flightin, specifically the COOH terminus, in lattice organization and its effects on cross-bridge cycling kinetics and overall muscle performance.In Drosophila, flightin is a ϳ20-kDa (182 amino acids) protein that is expressed exclusively in the IFM (33). Flightin binds the light meromyosin region of myosin, ϳ2/3 of the way down the rod, because substituting aspartic acid 1554 for lysine abolishes flightin's interaction in vitro (1) and accumulation in vivo (18). Immunolocalization studies in Drosophila and Lethocerus IFM indicate that flightin is associated with the thick filament backbone (25,26), consistent with studies that show flightin is absent in IFM lacking thick filaments (29).Studies using Drosophila mutants demonstrate that flightin plays several importa...