The paper is concerned with mechanical phenomena accompanying ground run of aircraft with near-critical slip angles. Such phenomena (reduced effectiveness of directional control, self-excited frictional vibrations of a landing gear, internal resonance of an aileron, transverse oscillations of the legs of a multileg landing gear) are due to the nonlinear dependence of the side force on the slip angles Introduction. Despite the short duration of ground phases of flight, the number of mishaps occurred during these phases and their influence on the aircraft life are significant. To improve flight safety and create a high-efficiency air transport system, it is necessary to study the dynamics of aircraft over the entire range of motion variables. In studying off-nominal modes of operation, it is necessary to do mathematical simulation.Analysis of the ground dynamics of aircraft as well as any pneumatic-tired vehicle [12][13][14]17] is difficult because of the absence of a well-developed and convenient model of tire. Engineering theories of rolling tire consider that the frictional force acting along the wheel axel in the road plane (so-called side force) depends on the angle U between the wheel direction and the contact patch direction (slip angle). The side force is one of the significant factors governing the dynamic behavior of pneumatic-tired vehicles. The said dependence appears nonmonotonic over a wide range of slip angles [10,11]. When U U ∈ [ ; ] 0 cr , the graph of this dependence has ascending and descending sections; U cr is a critical slip angle.Peculiarities of flight operation in the case of great slip angles are described in [3]. The stability of the steady motion of aircraft with near-critical slip angles is analyzed in [6,14]. The vibrations of landing gear in a near-critical range of slip angles are studied in [7,8]. The present paper gives physicomechanical interpretation of some phenomena occurring in the said range of slip angles and manifested as reduced directional controllability of aircraft and dangerous dynamic loads on strength members. All the phenomena to be discussed are due to the nonlinear dependence of the side force on the slip angle.1. Reduced Effectiveness of Directional Control. One of the frequent mishaps is running off the runway. Practice shows that: (a) almost all such overruns occurred in a direction opposite to the initial displacement of the aircraft from the courseline, i.e., from the longitudinal axis; and (b) most overruns occurred under crosswind and runway conditions being far from maximum permissible. Figure 1 demonstrates how an aircraft completes its landing run by rolling off to the runway shoulder [3].The dash-and-dot line represents the runway axis; and the dashed line, the trajectory of the aircraft's center of mass C. The points Ñ i i , , , , = 0 4 9 17, indicate the positions of the center of mass in i seconds after main-gear touchdown. The arrow ↑