Abstract. The release of toad's prey-catching behavior (orienting, approaching, fixating and snapping) is mediated by releasing schemas, also called releasing mechanisms. The present neuroethological investigation suggests the neurophysiological equivalent of a schema as a combination of neurons specified to encode significant coincidences of stimulus cues in space and time. A correspondingly coded command releasing system results from parallel/hierarchical processing in a neural macro-network whose interacting components evaluate visual input under various aspects such as features, background, space, motivation, and past experience.Essential components of prey-related sensorimotor codes are T5.2 neurons. These neurons are tuned to the spatiotemporal properties of moving objects, in such a manner that elongated worm-like moving shapes are preferred and shapes elongated perpendicular to the direction of movement are neglected. Unlike cortical "orientation detectors," the function of these tectal "configuration discriminators" does not depend on an anisotropic structure; the anisotropy required for configura! discrimination lies in the time domain of the spatiotemporal properties of the moving object itself. Evidence is provided that the direction-and velocity-invariant discriminatory properties of T5.2 neurons are brought about by discrete, parallel evaluations of the spatial and the spatiotemporal stimulus parameters by two-ffiter operations in pretectal and tectal structures, respectively, and through their subtractive interaction. In amphibians, with motionless eyes, the movement-specific analysis of moving objects seems to take advantage of an economical system that has sidestepped the need for a sophisticated anisotropic cortex-like structure known to involve a huge number of asymmetric processors in order to meet direction-invariant discriminatory operations.