The thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption of adamantane molecules and its alkyl derivatives, as well as some mono and bicyclic hydrocarbons С 10 H n , were studied by equilibri um gas liquid chromatography on a column packed with the stationary liquid phase squalane under the conditions of infinitely low concentrations of the sorbate in the gas phase. The influence of specific features of the molecular structure of sorbates on the regularities of their retention on the column with squalane was shown. For the first time we obtained the limiting activity coefficients and excess thermodynamic functions of mixing, which made it possible to study in detail the thermodynamics of dissolution of cage molecules in the nonpolar liquid bulk. The changes in the molar isobaric heat capacity of sorbates during adsorption were determined by the chromatographic method. For reference compounds, these values agree well with the results of direct calorimetric measurements of the change in the molar standard isobaric heat capacity during vaporization.Modern gas chromatography (GC) is a universal method for physicochemical investigation of various adsorption processes. Potentialities of the GC method make it possi ble to obtain reliable thermodynamic information on the parameters of the vapor-condensed phase equilibrium during both adsorption on various interfaces (gas adsorp tion (GAC) 1 and gas liquid solid phase chromatography (GLSC) 2 ) and formation of dilute solutions involving mol ecules of nonelectrolytes, mesogens, and ionic liquids (gas liquid chromatography (GLC)). 3-5 The theoretical inter pretation of thermodynamic values obtained by the GC method has been actively pursued 6 ; GC is used for studies of the thermodynamics of phase equilibria and intermo lecular interactions in adsorption systems and in solu tions, as well as in analysis of nano and supramolecular systems. 7 The main data on the limiting activity coeffi cients and liquid-vapor partition constant in dilute so lutions of nonelectrolytes were obtained by the GLC method 8 ; GLC is widely used for the determination of the saturation vapor pressure, boiling point, enthalpy of va porization, diffusion coefficients, and other physicochem ical characteristics. 3 Most of published works on the application of GL for studying the physicochemical properties of adamantane and its derivatives deal with the determination of normal boiling points 9-14 ; the GC method was used to determine the equilibrium values of the saturation vapor pressure 15,16 for molecules of unsubstituted adamantane and other that sublimate easily compounds (cubane, naphthalene, cam phor, etc.). The thermodynamic parameters of the solid state-vapor equilibrium for molecules of adamantane and some its oxygen containing derivatives were studied by GC. 15,17 Available data on chromatographic retention of adamantane and its derivatives mainly concern logarith mic retention indices of stationary liquid phases (SLP). 18-25 Data on the thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption (TCA) (adsorption eq...