The results of an experimental study of damage for the structural material MoNiCa (it is high-strength cast iron VCHTG – patent of the Republic of Belarus № 15617) on sliding friction and mechano-sliding fatigue are analyzed in the report. Tests of the mechanical system shaft (a sample with a working part diameter of 10 mm made of 0.45 % carbon steel) - an insert (a prismatic counter sample with a cross section of 10 ´ 10 mm made of MoNiCa) were carried out. The kinetics of the change in average wear at 8 local points along the perimeter of the dangerous area of the sample is given for contact loads FN from 20 to 92 N of the mechanical system under study with MoNiCa inserts without heat treatment and with heat treatment. The test results of the system under study are also presented in the form of sliding friction and mechano-sliding fatigue curves in coordinates of the contact load FN – the number of cycles N until the limit state.