A method based on sequential degradation, p-aminobenzoic ethyl ester (ABEE) closed-ring labeling, and negative ion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry is presented for the study of linkage and branch determination for N-linked oligosaccharides. Closed-ring labeling provides greater linkage information than the more popular open-ring reductive amination approach. In addition, after high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation, closed-ring labeling allows for regeneration of the underivatized oligosaccharide, a requirement for alkaline sequential degradation. The analytical scheme presented here uses HPLC separation of closed-ring labeled oligosaccharides to resolve the mixture into individual forms that undergo subsequent structural analysis by negative ion tandem mass spectrometry. To facilitate complete structural analysis, particularly for larger sugars, the closed-ring labels are removed and the sugars are sequentially degraded by controlled alkaline hydrolysis. It is noteworthy that for sugars containing sialic acid moieties, a protecting group must be used to stabilize sialic acid groups during sequential alkaline degradation. This described approach was applied to two high mannose oligosaccharides M5G2, M6G2 cleaved from the ribonuclease B and a complex oligosaccharide A2 cleaved from transferrin. T he amino acid sequence alone is generally insufficient to describe protein function. The biologically active forms of mature proteins are often post-translationally modified and these modifications typically influence protein function. Glycosylation is a predominant modification mechanism. It has been estimated that 60 -90% of all mammalian proteins are glycosylated [1]. The carbohydrate chains play critical roles in numerous biological processes, including fertilization, immune response, viral replication, parasitic inflection, cell-cell adherence, degradation of blood clots, and inflammation, for example [1][2][3][4]. The structural diversity inherent in the sugar moieties of a glycoprotein enables subtle changes in protein shape, charge, and volume, which can affect function both temporally and spatially. To achieve a full understanding of the function of a glycoprotein, a detailed characterization of its glycan structure is imperative.Structural elucidation of complex carbohydrates requires determination of monosaccharide composition, sequence, branching pattern, glycosidic linkages, and anomeric configuration. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) comes close to providing complete structural analysis, although the amount of sample required and difficulty with analyzing complex mixtures limits the utility of NMR, particularly for proteomics applications. In recent years, mass spectrometry (MS) has become a key tool for structural analysis of carbohydrates. Several mass spectrometric techniques have been proved to be useful analytical tools for the determination of oligosaccharide structure. All of these techniques have the advantages over traditional methods [5], such as low sample consu...