The region of positive electrostatic potentials (r-hole) has been found along the extension of the C-I bond in the iodine-ylide CH 2 IH, which suggests that the iodine-ylide could interact with nucleophiles to form weak, directional noncovalent interactions. MP2 calculations confirmed that the IÁÁÁN r-hole interaction exists in the CH 2 IHÁÁÁNCX (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I) bimolecular complexes. The NCClÁÁÁCH 2 IHÁÁÁNCX (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I) termolecular complexes were constructed to investigate the weakly bonded r-hole interactions to be strengthened by ClÁÁÁC halogen bond. And then, the NCYÁÁÁCH 2 IHÁÁÁNCCl (Y = H, F, Cl, Br, I) termolecular complexes were designed to investigate the enhancing effects of the IÁÁÁN rhole interaction on the YÁÁÁC halogen/hydrogen-bonded interactions. Accompany with the mutual enhancing processes of the r-hole interactions and halogen/hydrogenbonded interactions in the iodine-ylide containing termolecular complexes, both the IÁÁÁN r-hole interactions and YÁÁÁC halogen/hydrogen-bonded interactions become more polarizable.