The aim of this work is to develop a kinetic model of the oligomerization of ethylene to linear alpha olefins (LAOs) for zirconium/aluminum and nickel/zinc catalyst systems. The development of such model helps in the study of the behavior of industrial LAOs reactors as well as in the optimization of their operation. The kinetic model was developed based on a four-step mechanism: site activation, initiation and propagation, chain transfer and site deactivation. A novel stochastic optimization algorithm, Intelligent Firefly Algorithm, was used to obtain the kinetic model parameters that best fit the available experimental data that were obtained from published sources. The values of the kinetic parameters were obtained for the developed kinetic models for two catalyst systems. The performance of the model with the estimated parameters was tested against the experimental data. The proposed kinetic model predicts the product distribution for the zirconium/aluminum catalyst system with suitable accuracy. The model can also predict the product distribution for the nickel/zinc catalyst system with good accuracy for all products. As expected, the accuracy of the model to predict the concentration of the higher carbon products decreases with the carbon number. Keywords Ethylene Á Oligomerization Á Modeling Á Zirconium/aluminum catalyst Á Nickel/zinc catalyst Abbreviation Notation A Pre-exponential factor C CAT Catalyst concentration, mol/l C CAT k Active catalyst concentration, mol/l C CAT k ÁM Complex active catalyst/ethylene concentration, mol/l C decy Moles of deactivated catalysts, mol C M Concentration of ethylene monomer, mol/l C M k Concentration of active ethylene monomer, mol/l C M k ÁTEA Concentration of complex active ethylene monomer/co-catalyst, mol/l C P 0 Concentration of active site, mol/l C P i Concentration of living polymers, mol/l C P k i Concentration of active living polymers, mol/l C P k i ÁTEA Concentration of complex active living polymers/co-catalyst, mol/l C TEA Co-catalyst concentration, mol/l C TEA k Active co-catalyst concentration, mol/l C TEA k ÁCAT Complex active co-catalyst/catalyst concentration, mol/l C TEA k 1 ÁCAT Complex active co-catalyst/catalyst concentration-catalyst, mol/l D Moles of dead oligomer, mol E Activation energy, cal/mol k 1 Rate constant of active site k 2 Rate constant of chain initiation k 3 Rate constant of chain propagation k 4 Rate constant of chain transfer k 5 Rate constant of deactivation k ?1 Rate constant of attachment of the catalyst in the site activation k-1 Rate constant of detachment of the catalyst in the site activation