device at 3-8 GHz [21]. The insertion loss for the BaM-PZT phase shifter is of the same order as for YIG-BST and YIG-PZT MSSW phase shifters [20, 21], but much higher than for YIG-PZT and YIG/PMN-PT/terfenol-D phase shifters [13,15].
CONCLUSIONSA mm-wave electric field tunable ferrite-piezoelectric phase shifter operating close to FMR is designed and characterized. The voltage tenability of the ferrite phase shifter is achieved through mechanical strain mediated magneto-electric effect in the bilayer. Differential phase shifts of 45 could be obtained with a nominal electric field of 8 kV/cm. The device shows an insertion loss >20 dB at 50 GHz. The electrical tuning will lead to integrated circuit-compatible high-speed phase shifters. Miniaturization of the device could be accomplished with the use of thin film magnets for the required bias magnetic field.