Electromagnetic wire is the carrier of energy and signal transmission. With the rapid development in aerospace, atomic energy, and other industrial fields, there is an increasing demand for the high-temperature-resistance of electromagnetic wires. In using traditional electromagnetic wires, it is difficult to meet the current temperature-resistance requirements. Therefore, the development of high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wire has extremely important application value. In this paper, high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wires are divided into organic insulated high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wires, organic–inorganic insulated composite high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wires, and inorganic insulated high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wires. The method of improving the temperature-resistance level of organic insulated high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wire is introduced. The selection principle of organic–inorganic and inorganic insulation high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic-wire conductor materials is analyzed. The current research status of organic–inorganic and inorganic insulated high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wires is reviewed. The technical routes for preparing inorganic insulated high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wire are compared. Finally, the challenges faced by the current high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wire are pointed out, and the future development direction of organic–inorganic-composite insulation and inorganic insulation high-temperature-resistant electromagnetic wire is proposed.