This article discusses the traditional ball mill lining used and the improved ball mill lining. Experimental data of the proposed and previous linings are presented. The economic effect of using a new improved ball mill lining design is shown. Also, based on the dimensions of the ores, their mechanical properties, the material and construction of the detail were selected first. It is recommended to use high-manganese steel alloy, if corrosion occurs due to friction, and chromium – molybdenum steel alloy as the material of the detail. As a result of changing the design of the part in the proposed technology, it can be seen that the ore crushing process has improved. As a result of the good ore grinding process, it became easier to extract metals and alloys from the crushed ore. In order to obtain research results, several studies were conducted using traditional and improved technology. Thanks to this technology, the economic efficiency of the production enterprise has increased due to the improvement of ore crushing, the increase of the service life of the part, the saving of resource energy, and the reduction of the time required for technical repairs.