This study aimed to investigate the influence of temperature and time of thermal treatment on the microhardness and corrosion behavior of Fe-Ni-based metallic glass. The investigation was carried out on metallic glass with a composition of Fe38Ni36B18Si8. The samples were isothermally treated in an ambience atmosphere for different time intervals. The microstructure examination revealed that (Fe,Ni), Fe3Si, and Ni31Si12 phases were present in the amorphous matrix after the thermal treatment. The results showed that microhardness increases with the increase of annealing temperature. However, even a short exposure of the as-cast sample to a high temperature significantly improves its microhardness. Corrosion behavior investigation showed that the amorphous sample in both NaCl and HCl media has the lowest tendency to corrosion. K e y w o r d s : metallic glass, thermal treatment, microhardness, corrosion properties