The research was conducted in 2019-2021. in the Ulyanovsk region in order to study the influence of soil cultivation methods and organomineral fertilizers on the productivity of spring wheat. The soil of the experimental plot is leached, medium-thick, medium-loamy chernozem with a humus content in the 0...30 cm layer of 5.61%, mobile P2O5 and K2O according to Chirikov - 178 and 121 mg/kg, respectively, pHsol. . – 6.3, sum of absorbed bases – 46.4 mEq/100 g. In the experiments, methods of soil cultivation were studied (factor A) – dump to a depth of 23...25 cm; without dumps by 15...16 cm; flat 10…12 cm; organic and mineral fertilizers (factor B) - without fertilizers; N16P16K16 for sowing + N34 for cultivation + N10 for winter wheat straw; manure 20 t/ha; manure 20 t/ha + N16P16K16 for sowing + N34 for cultivation + N10 for winter wheat straw; winter wheat straw; winter wheat straw + H10 + N16P16K16 for sowing + H34 for cultivation; green manure; green manure + H10 + winter wheat straw + H10 + N16P16K16 when sowing + H34 during cultivation. Non-mouldboard and flat-cut processing had an advantage over moldboard processing in terms of moisture reserves in the 0...30 cm layer by 3.8...4.7 mm, in the 0...100 cm layer by 8.6...10.2 mm. mm. The aftereffect of fertilizers contributed to an increase in the content of nitrate nitrogen in the 0...30 cm layer compared to the control by 3.9...18.1 mg/kg under plowing, and by 1.0...13.1 - under plowing. non-mouldboard processing and 4 - for flat-cut processing. ,4…15.1 mg/kg. The yield of spring wheat against the background of manure 20 t/ha + NPK and green manure + NPK with no-moldboard tillage increased by 0.89 and 0.90 t/ha, under plowing - by 0.90 and 0.90, with flat-cut soil - by 0.95 and 0.89 t/ha compared to the option without fertilizers.