The secondary electron yield (SEY) variation of atomically clean metal surfaces due to air exposures and during subsequent heat treatments is described with the example of a sputter-deposited Nb thin film. Corresponding variations of the surface chemical composition have been monitored using AES and SSIMS. On the basis of these results and of previously obtained SEY results on metals and metal oxides the origin of the SEY variations is discussed.The SEY increase, which is generally observed during long lasting air exposures of clean metals, is mainly caused by the adsorption of an airborne carbonaceous contamination layer. The estimated value of about 3 for the maximum SEY of this layer is higher than that of all pure metals.Only in some cases the air-formed oxide can contribute to the air exposure induced SEY increase while many oxides have a lower SEY than their parent metals. From the experimental data it can also be excluded that the SEY increase during air exposures is mainly due to an increased secondary electron escape probability.
Paper submitted to Applied Physics A
Geneva, SwitzerlandJune 2002 -2-
INTRODUCTIONThe secondary electron yield (SEY) of the internal surfaces of ultra high vacuum systems is of great importance for devices the operation of which can be perturbed by the occurrence of a resonant electron multiplication (multipacting) [1]. Examples for such devices are superconducting RF cavities for particle acceleration [2], and the beam vacuum system of CERN's next accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [3].Reliable SEY data for most atomically clean metals have been published already several decades ago [4]. However, despite the fact that for many applications the SEY of air exposed surfaces is more relevant than the SEY of atomically clean surfaces, SEY data of air exposed surfaces are rare and the reasons for the SEY variation during air exposures of atomically clean metals are still discussed controversially. There are mainly two reasons for this.Firstly, it is difficult to define precisely an air exposed surface because of the many parameters influencing the surface properties (e.g. initial sample state, air exposure time, humidity, concentration of contaminants in the ambient air, etc.). For initially clean copper, as an example, the maximum SEY value after air exposure can vary between 1.2 and above 2 for an air exposure lasting a few minutes and a few days, respectively [5].The second reason why SEY data of air exposed surfaces is often questionable is the fact that the SEY of such surfaces is much more sensitive to electron irradiation than the SEY of atomically clean surfaces [6]. Electron doses as low as 10 -6 C mm -2 remove efficiently a part of the surface species and, as a result, reduce the SEY [7]. Therefore, measurements on air exposed metal surfaces provide in some cases the SEY of an electron beam damaged surface, which has a much lower SEY than the as-received surface.Several SEY and surface analysis measurements of differently treated air exposed Nb surfaces h...