Objective: The aim of this study was to validate a simple and reproducible method for assessing gait deviation on the Babinski-Weill test in a representative sample of healthy Brazilians. Methods: Gait deviations were measured in 75 individuals (median=30 years, 41 women) for forward, backwards, and Babinski-Weill steps. The test entailed blindfolded individuals walking 10 paces at a frequency of 1 Hz with deviations subsequently measured by a protractor. Results: Mean gait deviation forward was 0.53º with standard deviation (SD)=4.22 and backwards was 2.14º with SD=4.29. No significant difference in deviation was detected between genders (t test p=0.40 forward and p=0.77 backwards) or for age (ANOVA, p=0.33 forward and p=0.63 backwards). On the Babinski-Weill test, mean gait deviation was 5.26º; SD=16.32 in women and -3.11º; SD=12.41 in men, with no significant difference between genders (t test, p=0.056). Discussion: Defining normative gait patterns helps distinguish pathological states.Key words: vestibular system, gait, Babinski-Weill test.
RESUMOObjetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar para uso no Brasil um método simples e reprodutível para avaliação do desvio no teste da marcha de Babinski-Weill. Métodos: As medidas de desvio da marcha foram realizadas em 75 indivíduos (mediana=30 anos, 41 mulheres) na marcha para frente, para trás e no teste da marcha Babinski-Weill. Durante os testes, indivíduos com olhos vendados andavam 10 passos na freqüência de 1 Hz, sendo os desvios mensurados com transferidor. Resultados: O desvio para frente teve média de 0,53º com desvio padrão (DP)=4,22 e para trás 2,14º com DP=4,29. Não houve diferença nos desvios entre os gêneros (teste t p=0,40 frente e p=0,77 trás) e entre as idades (ANOVA, p=0,33 frente e p=0,63 trás). No teste da marcha de Babinski-Weill as mulheres desviaram em média 5,26º; DP=16,32 e os homens -3,11º; DP=12,41, sem diferença entre os gêneros (teste t, p=0,056). Discussão: O estabelecimento de padrões de normalidade possibilita a identificação de estados patológicos.Palavras-Chave: sistema vestibular, marcha, teste de Babinski-Weill.
Assessment of gait deviation on the Babinski-Weill test in healthy BraziliansAvaliação do desvio no teste da marcha de Babinski-Weill em uma amostra representativa de indivíduos brasileiros saudáveis The role of the vestibular system is to stabilize the image on the retina, control posture and balance, as well as to provide information on spatial orientation. The system is comprised peripherally by the otolith organs and semicircular canals which measure linear and angular acceleration, respectively. These send signals to the central nervous system, mainly to the vestibular nuclear complex and cerebellum. This information is used in conjunction with inputs from the visual and somatosensory systems to control gait 1-5 .Normal gait requires maintaining an erect posture, bearing weight, forward locomotion at different speeds and determining position in three-dimensional space. The vestibular system is involved i...