A field trial was conducted at Giza Agricultural Research Station, A.R.C., Egypt during 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 winter seasons, to study the response of Fahl Egyptian clover to foliar spray of 5 and 10 ml/L from potassium humate, fulvate as well as amino acids mixture on growth, productivity and chemical composition. Results indicated that foliar spray with 10 ml/L Khumate(10%K2o) increased significantly plant height, number of secondary branches/plant, number of heads/plant, dry leaf/stem ratio, number of seeds/head, 1000 seed weight, fresh and dry fodder yields as well as seed yield, followed by foliar spray with 10 ml/L amino acids mixture. Insignificant differences was observed between such two treatments with respect to fresh, dry and seed yields/fad. The lowest values of such traits were obtained from foliar spray with 5 ml/L K-fulvate compared to treated plants with K-humate and amino acids mixture. The maximum values of crude protein, oil (ether extract, E.E.), N, P and K% were obtained from treated plants by 10 ml/L K-humate followed by 10 ml/L amino acids mixture compared to control. The maximum value of crude fiber % was obtained from spraying plants by water (control), while the lowest value was obtained when plants sprayed with 10 ml/L K-humate.