Ab stractThe com bi na tion ef fects of wa ter stress and gibberellic acid (GA 3 ) on phys i o log i cal at trib utes and nu tri tional sta tus of maize (Zea mays L. cv., DK 647 F1 ) were stud ied in a pot exper i ment. Maize plants were grown in the con trol (well watered WW) and wa ter stress sub jected to treated both wa ter stress and two con cen tra tions of gibberellic acid (GA 3 25 mg·L -1 , 50 mg·L -1 ). WS was im posed by main tain ing the moisture level equiv a lent to 50 % pot ca pac ity whereas the WW pots were main tained at full pot ca pac ity. Wa ter stress re duced the to tal dry weight, chlo ro phyll con cen tra tion, and leaf rel ative wa ter con tent (RWC), but it in creased proline ac cu mu lation and elec tro lyte leak age in maize plants and ap pears to affect shoots more than roots. Both con cen tra tions of GA 3 (25 and 50 mg·L -1 ) largely en hanced the above phys i o log i cal param e ters to lev els sim i lar to con trol. WS re duced leaf Ca 2+ and K + con cen tra tions, but ex og e nous ap pli ca tion of GA 3 increased those nu tri ent lev els sim i lar or close to con trol. Ex og enous ap pli ca tion of GA 3 im proved the wa ter stress tol er ance in maize plants by main tain ing mem brane per me abil ity, en hancing chlo ro phyll con cen tra tion, leaf rel a tive wa ter con tent (LRWC) and some macro-nu tri ent con cen tra tions in leaves.List of abbreviations: GA 3 -Gibberellic acid; LRWC-Leaf rel a tive wa ter con tent; WW-Well wa tered; WS-wa ter stress
In tro duc tionMaize is grown all over the world un der a wide range of cli mates. Drought is the main con straint for maize, caus ing se vere yield re duc tions (Maiti et al. 1996). Genotypic dif fer ences have been iden tified for a range of mor pho log i cal and phys i o log i cal char ac ter is tics (Ackerson 1983) as well as growth re sponses of maize to wa ter def i cit (O'Regan et al. 1993, Sinclair et al. 1990).Con trary to other fac tors that may limit crop yields (e.g. acid, al ka line or sa line soils) wa ter avail abil ity is highly vari able dur ing crop grow ing sea son and dif fers from year to year. As a con se quence, wa ter def i cit is an ubiq ui tous lim it ing fac tor in ag ri culture, es pe cially in semi-arid re gions (Gutier rez --Boem and Thomas 1999).The ef fects of wa ter def i cit on plant phys i ol ogy very de pends on the spe cies and de gree of tol erance. Gen er ally, drought quickly af fects the processes re lated to cell tur gid ity and par tic u larly the growth of the meristem (Figueiredo et al. 1999).In re la tion to en vi ron men tal ef fects, irradiance and low tem per a ture in duced changes in GA me tab olism were re viewed by Hedden (1999), but lit tle is known about changes in duced by wa ter stress (Pos -331 ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM