“…Services provided by Local Authorities and NHS staff include 1:1 session with wellness coaches, group work, smoking cessation, weight management, dietary and healthy eating advice, physical activity pathways, mental health and emotional wellbeing interventions, alcohol brief interventions, signposting and accompanied referral to specialist agencies, such as welfare rights and housing advice (Fortune et al, 2021) [ 48 ] , Canada | - Older adults with diverse cultural background, income levels and health status | Loneliness and social isolation | - Face-to-face delivery - Group activities - Length of intervention: 4 months | Art Hives are defined as free inclusive community art spaces and designed as ‘public home places’. In these places, participants were encouraged to make art together |
(Frerichs et al, 2020) [ 49 ] , UK | - People severely anxious and depressed | Loneliness | - Face-to-face delivery - Individual sessions (up to 10) and group sessions - Length of intervention: 2 years | The Community Navigatior programme includes receiving support from a ‘Community Navigator’ based in secondary mental health services who will help service users to increase social contact, participation in social activities and community engagement, with the aim of reducing feelings of loneliness. Besides, group sessions will take place where participants are encouraged to share information about local resources and social groups |
(Giebel et al, 2020) [ 50 ] , UK | - People (aged 18 and above) at risk of feeling lonely and isolated, with low levels mental health needs - People from any socio-economic background | Loneliness and social isolation | - Face-to-face delivery - Individual sessions and group activities - Length of intervention: 14 weeks | The Community Connectors service is a structured support service that enables access to local support through a range of early intervention and prevention services such as luncheon clubs, debt awareness, social activities, befriending, foodbanks, as well as commissioned services |
(Greaves & Farbus, 2006) [ 51 ] , UK | - People from their 50 s onwards, whose lives may have changed or are about to change in some way (perhaps through retirement, moving home, age or illness), or people with time on their hands, or who might find it difficult to keep in touch with the local community - People with no mental or physical health problems | Loneliness and social isolation | - Face-to-face delivery and telephone contact with the LWs -... |