Two regional thrust-sheets of Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks occur in the Southern Brasília Belt, northwest Minas Gerais. The lower one comprises the Vazante Group, that is formed in the studied area, from base to top, by the Serra do Garrote (metapelites interlayered with carbonaceous phyllite), Serra do Poço Verde (beige to pink stromatolitic metadolomite with interlayered greenish slates), Morro do Calcário (gray stromatolitic metadolomite interlayered with gray slates) and Serra da Lapa (phyllite with dolarenitic lenses interlayered with slates) formations. The upper thrust sheet consists of the Canastra Group (Paracatu formation): laminated sericite phyllites and carbonaceous phyllites interlayered with quartzite. The Braziliano orogeny resulted in four phases of contractional deformation, associated with low-grade metamorphism. The first two (D 1 and D 2 ) are ductile, while the third and fourth ones (D 3 and D 4 ) are brittle-ductile. D 1 developed a slaty S 1 cleavage subparallel to the primary layering, with shallow to steep dips to NW. D 2 developed a crenulation cleavage (S 2 ) that dips moderately to NW and is associated with tight to isoclinal folds. D 3 and D 4 phases developed crenulations and open folds and kink bands. S 3 dips steeply to NW, while S 4 has moderate to steep dips to NE and SW. White mica crystallinity (Kübler index) measurements in metapelites indicate that both the Canastra and Vazante groups reached anchizone/epizone conditions, and metamorphic discontinuities along thrusts indicate that the peak of metamorphism is pre or syn-thrusting.
KEYWORDS:Neoproterozoic, Zinc-Lead, X-Ray Diffraction, Thrust-fold Belt.
RESUMO: O contato do empurrão dos grupos Canastra e Vazante na Faixa Brasília Meridional: evolução estrutural, cristalinidade de mica branca e implicações para a orogenia brasiliana. Duas escamas de cavalgamentos regionais de rochas metassedimentares neoproterozoicas ocorrem na Faixa Brasília Meridional, em Minas Gerais. A inferior compreende o Grupo Vazante, que na área de estudos é formado da base para o topo, pelas formações Serra do Garrote (metasiltitos e filitos carbonosos intercalados), Serra do Poço Verde (metadolomitos estromatolíti-cos bege a rosados com intercalações de ardósias e margas esverdeadas), Morro do Calcário (metadolomitos estromatolíticos cinza com intercalações de ardósias cinza) e Serra da Lapa (metarritmitos carbonosos com lentes de dolarenitos). A escama superior é composta do Grupo