Introduction: a bibliographic review was carried out to learn about, analyze, and compare the different types of eighth-generation adhesives on the market and the difference between each one. Universal adhesives have demonstrated improvements in their resistance, especially in the application techniques and properties of these materials, improving the adhesive strength so that the dentist can provide successful restorative treatments. Objective: to know, analyze and compare the different types of eighth-generation adhesives used in dentistry. Material and methods: a search was made of the following electronic databases: PubMed, BVS, Redalyc, ScienceDirect. Finally, 32 articles that met the predetermined criteria and the specificity required for the research question were used. Conclusions: it was demonstrated that technology is advancing every day, especially in the area of adhesives since these are very useful in the daily life of the dentist. It is important to know each one of these since it is a little complex at the moment of selecting the correct one, but not the use. Currently, there are several options that the dentist can choose, which is why the professional must be trained on each of the various existing brands and according to the treatment which is the best to use at the time of rehabilitation. The dentist needs to know these materials since they will benefit him/her when carrying out a restorative treatment plan.