As primary outcomes differ among clinical lumbar disc herniation (LDH) studies, this study aimed to explore outcomes reflecting real-world patient experiences through an exploratory questionnaire survey. Those diagnosed with LDH having radiating leg pain in South Korea in November of 2022 (N = 500) were administered a questionnaire including basic characteristics, disease onset, symptoms and severity, priority symptoms for improvement, and important treatment factors. Outcome measures included the identification of priority symptoms and disabilities. Most common symptoms were numbness in the leg (N = 435, 87.0%) and back pain (N = 406, 81.2%); most common disabilities were discomfort in sitting (N = 323, 64.6%) and lifting (N = 318, 63.6%). The highest priority symptom was back pain (N = 242, 48.4%). A satisfactory degree of symptom improvement was a decrease of at least 3 points on the numeric rating scale. The majority of respondents preferred improvement in disability over pain (N = 270, 55.8%), a stable effect over a rapid effect (N = 391, 78.2%), and safety over treatment efficacy (N = 282, 56.4%). Safety (N = 129, 25.8%) and cost (N = 111, 22.2%) were the most important treatment factors. Improvements in back pain, leg pain, sitting, and sleeping were prioritized, and safety, stable treatment effect, and functional recovery were desired. Clinical trials for LDH should be designed to reflect this real-world patient need. Further study to examine the patients’ symptoms and needs in details is needed.