“…The variable AFDISPERSION is the standard deviation of individual analyst sales forecasts for year t + 1 scaled by the consensus sales forecast. Following Koo and Lee (2018), control variables in this model include the standard deviation of quarterly sales ( STDREV it ), the standard deviation of monthly stock returns during the fiscal year ( STDRET it ), market value of equity ( SIZE it ), return on assets ( ROA it ), abnormal stock returns ( BHAR it ), Tobin's Q ( Q it ), research and development intensity ( RDINT it ), advertising expense intensity ( ADINT it ), the correlation between quarterly stock returns and seasonal sales changes ( RRCORR it ), a loss indicator for the following year ( LOSS it +1 ), analyst following ( ANALYSTS it ), and forecast horizon from the date of forecasts to the date of fiscal year‐end ( MFHORIZON it +1 for management sales guidance and AFHORIZON it +1 for analyst forecasts). For tests using analyst forecasts as the dependent variable, we also control for the presence of management guidance ( GUIDANCE it ), lagged forecast dispersion ( AFDISPERSION it ), and lagged values of each dependent variable.…”