Synthetically engineered cells are powerful and potentially useful biosensors, but it remains problematic to deploy such systems due to practical difficulties and biosafety concerns. To overcome these hurdles, we developed a microfluidic device that serves as an interface between an engineered cellular system, environment, and user. We created a biodisplay consisting of 768 individually programmable biopixels and demonstrated that it can perform multiplexed, continuous sampling. The biodisplay detected 10 µg/l sodium-arsenite in tap water using a research grade fluorescent microscope, and reported arsenic contamination down to 20 µg/l with an easy to interpret "skull and crossbones" symbol detectable with a low-cost USB microscope or by eye. The biodisplay was designed to prevent release of chemical or biological material to avoid environmental contamination. The microfluidic biodisplay thus provides a practical solution for the deployment and application of engineered cellular systems.KEYWORDS: microfluidic, environmental sensor, heavy metal sensor, arsenic, biodisplay, continuous bacterial culturing.
GRAPHICAL ABSTRACTWith the advent of synthetic biology, a number of biological sensors have been engineered capable of monitoring the environment 1,2 . Although such synthetic biological systems are in principle powerful sensors and information processing units, they often lack direct applicability because suitable interfaces between the environment, the user and the engineered biological system don't exist 3,4 . The lack of such interfaces results in problems related to safely deploying genetically modified organisms (GMOs), while making it possible for them to interact with the environment and user 5 . Aside from safety concerns, interfaces can solve practical problems such as keeping the engineered biological system alive for extended periods of time, automatic and frequent sampling of the environment, and facilitating readout.Microfluidics originated as a tool to enable analytical measurements in chemistry and biology 6 . In the last decades, microfluidic devices have found a plethora of applications in biology 6 spanning high-throughput screening 7 , cell-based assays 8,9 , and molecular diagnostics 10 . The use of microfluidic devices increases throughput, reduces cost, and can enable novel measurements 11 . In most instances the purpose of microfluidics is to enable or conduct analytical measurements of molecules or cells. Few examples depart from this dogmatic application of microfluidics and instead employ microfluidic devices as soft robots capable of movement and camouflage 12 , or as microfluidic games 13 . One recent example demonstrated how . CC-BY 4.0 International license peer-reviewed) is the author/funder. It is made available under a The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Feb. 27, 2017; 2 engineered biological systems can be deployed by combining bacterial sensors with passive microfluidic c...