First and foremost a big thank you to my advisor, Professor Ronald Schatz, for being so patient through my many vacillations of topic and focus, and for both keeping my eyes on the big picture and pointing out the details. And to my Second in Command, Danielle Springer, Thesis Writing Mentor Extraordinaire, a huge thank you for her positivity, numerous helpful suggestions, and significant dedication of time to this project. Much gratitude goes to the magicians of ILLiad: Kate, Lisa, and Kathy: this thesis would not have been written without your magic tricks! Thanks to my fam for being history nerds, for having always surrounded me with books, and for sticking with me through the high highs and low lows of college. Heartfelt appreciation and gratefulness to my Griefy Groupies for their unconditional love, and a big thank you to the 20Beepers for being encouraging and tolerant, and for having faith when I didn't. Thank you to ARF and KJFC for having my back for the last three years. And of course, thanks to Carol the Carrel for giving me space and to Robert for marrying Cora in the first place and giving me the idea. This thesis is dedicated to Jesse Julius Lopata, who would have adored this topic.