The purpose of this study is to systematize the socio-technological drivers of the smart city development based on the author's concept of econotronics. The following theoretical and practical results are obtained. The specificity of the smart city is shown and the main socio-technological drivers of its development are presented. These drivers include big data processing, cloud technologies, blockchain, digital platforms, the Internet of things and the fractional economy. The author's conception of econotronics is presented as a concept of economic analysis of a digital society. Econotronics is an economy section on the institutions of interaction between economic agents and society through digital technologies dynamics development. Socio-technological drivers of smart city development are systematized by levels of econotronics modeling. The design of institutions corresponds to the application of big data technology, the distribution of institutions-to the use of cloud technologies, the measurement of institutions-to the use of blockchain technologies, and the evolution of institutions-to the use of digital platforms, the Internet of things and the sharing economy. The principles and ideas of institutional modeling of a smart city econotronics are presented. It is shown that different levels of modeling of economic institutions correspond to the application of socio-technological drivers of the smart city development. It is concluded that the principles and ideas of econotronics can be used to model the smart city institutional formation.