Based on the observation that the thermodynamic equilibrium free energy of an open quantum system in contact with a thermal environment is the difference between the free energy of the total system and that of the bare environment, the validity of the Crooks theorem and of the Jarzynski equality is extended to open quantum systems. No restrictions on the nature of the environment or on the strength of the coupling between system and environment need to be imposed. This free energy entering the Crooks theorem and the Jarzynski equality is closely related to the Hamiltonian of mean force that generalizes the classical statistical mechanical concept of the potential of mean force. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.210401 PACS numbers: 05.30.Àd, 05.70.Ln Since its formulation in 1997, the classical nonequilibrium work relation by Jarzynski [1] (now commonly referred to as the Jarzynski equality)has continued to raise questions and concerns on its range of validity and applicability. Here, w denotes the work performed on a system when some parameters of this system are changed according to a prescribed protocol. This work is given by the difference of the energies contained in the system at the end and at the beginning of the protocol. Initially, the system is supposed to be prepared in a thermal equilibrium state at the inverse temperature .The brackets hÁi denote a nonequilibrium average over many repetitions of this process, running under the same protocol. According to the Jarzynski equality, the average of the exponentiated negative work is independent of the details of the protocol and solely determined by the thermal equilibrium free energy difference ÁF between the initial equilibrium state and a hypothetical equilibrium state at the initial temperature and those parameter values that are reached at the end of the protocol. In the mentioned Letter [1], the validity of this equality was demonstrated within a classical statistical approach for isolated systems which initially are in the required equilibrium state at inverse temperature and also for classical systems that stay in weak contact with a thermal bath during the protocol. Considerable effort has been devoted to the development of the quantum version of Eq. (1) where p t f ;t 0 ðwÞ denotes the probability density function (PDF) of work performed by the parameter changes according to a protocol running between the initial time t 0 and final time t f . The PDF of work for the reversed protocol is denoted by p t 0 ;t f ðwÞ. All these attempts refer to quantum isolated or weakly coupled systems with Hamiltonian or Markovian dynamics, respectively [3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The proof of the validity of Eqs. (1) and (2) in the quantum case with weak coupling, allowing for an otherwise general non-Markovian dynamics of the open quantum dynamics and arbitrary force protocols, was provided only recently in Ref.[10]. The applicability of Eqs. (1) and (2) to the case of weak coupling is consistent with the construction of quantum and classical statistical mechanics wh...