Abstract:This paper employs a simple stochastic model to investigate how transaction cost and strategic option considerations interact to influence a firm's evaluation of collaborative venturing as a market entry mode. After demonstrating how uncertainty about the market and about the potential partner can add to the value of a collaborative venture, the paper explicates a condition under which the option to acquire or sell out generates a positive economic value for both of the partners. The interaction of transaction cost and strategic option considerations is then examined, and a number of testable hypotheses are proposed based on the theoretical analyses of the paper. We are grateful to Paul Beamish, Editor of JIBS, and to three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and valuable suggestions. All remaining errors, however, are solely our own responsibility.Published in the Journal of International Business Studies, 27(2): 285-307, 1996. as a market entry mode. After demonstrating how uncertainty about the market and about the potential partner can add to the value of a collaborative venture, the paper explicates a condition under which the option to acquire or sell out generates a positive economic value for both of the partners. The interaction of transaction cost and strategic option considerations is then examined, and a number of testable hypotheses are proposed based on the theoretical analyses of the paper.Collaborative Ventures and Value of Learning: Integrating the Transaction Cost and Strategic Option Perspectives on the Choice of Market Entry Modes. Journal of International Business Studies, 27 (2), 285-307. Publisher's Official Version: http://www.jstor.org/stable/155286 Open Access Version: