the article describes a dual impact of digital revolution on various spheres of human activity and social relations, such as administration, education, science, health, ecology, finance, and trade, and income differentiation, monopolization of the markets, "consumerism" and creative abilities of human development. The work presents the advantages and disadvantages of information revolution implications. Production relations in the single information space (based on cloud technology, Big Data, information openness, and social networks) are opposed to the deepened digital divide. New opportunities for the development of education, science, health, and environmental sustainability are opposed to innovation inequality and deepened environmental imbalance. Information technologies helped improving the efficiency of the activities in the financial sector, but the gap between the financial and the real sectors of the economy increased. The level of organization rose significantly due to the continuity of decision-making and communications, while at the same time the introduction of information technologies increased the bureaucracy. Stiff competition of information companies is combined with the risk of global monopoly. On the one hand, the information revolution gave broad opportunities for developing creative activities; while on the other hand, it has led to the loss of Internet users' social mobility.