Recently, ICN (InformationCentric Networking) has been applied to wireless environments such as mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). In a MANET, each node has limited power resources. However, in many protocols, a node sends an interest packet by flooding, which consumes much power. To solve this problem, a multipath content acquisition method has been proposed. In this method, since a requester node selects provider nodes, it does not need flooding for the transmission of an interest. However, relay nodes in one of the paths cache only half of the content and cannot send any content to the requester unless both parts of the content are cached.In this paper, in order to increase the probability of caching the complete content, we propose a content acquisition method using overhearing. In this method, adjacent nodes of a relay node also receive content data. They cache the content data if another part of the content has been cached. As a result, the number of nodes that cache the complete content increases.