The purpose of this study is to determine which airlines Davao City-bound and outbound passengers prefer. Passenger information was acquired via survey questionnaires employing the Likert scale. In this study, non-experimental quantitative research employing a casual research method was employed. Using descriptive and informal research methodologies, this study investigated whether demographic variables and airline service quality influence the airline service choices of Davao City passengers. This investigation employs artificial neural network research to determine which factors influence airline preference. The majority of air carrier respondents are between the ages of 21 and 35, are predominantly female, and are employed by private companies. The airline preferences of passengers are influenced by price, cabin services, flight schedule, safety, on-time performance, and employee conduct. Important airline demographics included age, occupation, and sex. Price is the most significant criterion when selecting an airline, followed by flight schedule, on-time performance, and employee conduct. Flights should offer discounts to students and senior citizens. They may adjust fares based on the findings. To attract a broader age range of customers, airlines should strategically organize their marketing and focus on specific market niches. To increase sales, airlines may consider offering discounted, low-cost, or one-peso fares during certain times. To assist time-sensitive travelers in reaching their destinations in the event of airline delays or cancellations, alternative flights are advised. To gain a deeper understanding of airline carrier selection, research should be extended, employing a larger sample or alternative statistical methods.