The sharing of information is an inherent tendency of human beings that helps in content dissemination as it cascades to the larger networked audience. In this article, we have proposed a novel weighted cumulative measure for discovering influential users in such networked structures. Our method generically combines the impact of multiple structural features of the network, along with local and global information to produce weighted cumulative centrality (WCC) score. Local information internments nodes direct neighborhood influence whereas global information scrutinizes network structure as a whole via propagating shortest paths. To assess the performance of our innovated measure, a benchmark diffusion model is employed as an artificial stochastic model to track the rate of information spread. The resultant outcome is verified on five different networks including scale‐free and random, and real‐world networks, namely, Facebook, BlogCatalog, and Twitter network. Furthermore, a comparative study is conducted to justify the spreading ability of proposed multifeature based WCC against existing single‐feature based approaches using relative performance ratio. Simulation with single and multiple triggering nodes endorse the efficacy of our proposed method over existing counterparts in terms of the coverage rate, thus showing support for early adoption phenomena in proposed WCC to infest a social network.