Ad-hoc radio networks and multiple access channels are classical and well-studied models of distributed systems, with a large body of literature on deterministic algorithms for fundamental communications primitives such as broadcasting and wake-up. However, almost all of these algorithms assume knowledge of the number of participating nodes and the range of possible IDs, and often make the further assumption that the latter is linear in the former. These are very strong assumptions for models which were designed to capture networks of weak devices organized in an adhoc manner. It was believed that without this knowledge, deterministic algorithms must necessarily be much less efficient.In this paper we address this fundamental question and show that this is not the case. We present deterministic algorithms for blind networks (in which nodes know only their own IDs), which match or nearly match the running times of the fastest algorithms which assume network knowledge (and even surpass the previous fastest algorithms which assume parameter knowledge but not small labels).Specifically, in multiple access channels with k participating nodes and IDs up to L, we give a wake-up algorithm requiring O( k log L log k log log k ) time, improving dramatically over the O(L 3 log 3 L) time algorithm of De Marco et al. (2007), and a broadcasting algorithm requiring O(k log L log log k) time, improving over the O(L) time algorithm of Gąsieniec et al. ( 2001) in most circumstances. Furthermore, we show how these same algorithms apply directly to multi-hop radio networks, achieving even larger running time improvements. [2,8,14,27]).
Multiple access channels.A set of k nodes, with unique identifiers (IDs) from {1, . . . , L}, share a communication channel. Time is divided into discrete steps, and in every step each node chooses to either transmit a message to the channel or listen for messages. A transmission is only successful if exactly one node chooses to transmit in a given time-step; otherwise all nodes hear silence.Ad-hoc multi-hop radio networks. The network is modeled by a directed graph N = (V, E), with |V | = n, where nodes correspond to transmitter-receiver stations. The nodes have unique identifiers from {1, . . . , L}. A directed edge (v, u) ∈ E means that node v can send a message directly to node u. To make propagation of information feasible, we assume that every node in V is reachable in N from any other. Time is divided into discrete steps, and in every step each node chooses to either transmit a message to all neighbors or listen for messages. A listening node only hears a transmission if exactly one neighbor transmitted; otherwise it hears silence.It can be seen that multiple access channels are equivalent to single-hop radio networks (that is, radio networks in which the underlying graph is a clique).Node knowledge. We study blind versions of these models, by which we mean that the minimum possible assumptions about node knowledge are made (and this is where our work differs most significantly from previous wo...