Purpose This review examines the topic of information literacy (IL) and its importance as a component of competency-based education in the health professions, and shares the process and outcome of a collaborative effort between The University of Manitoba Department of Anesthesia and Health Sciences Libraries to create, to introduce and integrate IL training into a new anesthesia curriculum. Principle findings Nine IL modules were developed according to standards set by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and aligned with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons CanMEDS competencies. Taken collectively, they explore modern tools used to approach the medical literature in an organized, efficient manner, and to locate, evaluate and use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. Each module forms the basis of one IL session that combines self-study and group projects with librarian-led, computer-based training, designed to build competency in information need awareness, retrieval skills and resource appraisal. Facility with the concepts taught was evaluated though examples relevant to the anesthesia practice environment. The entire collection is available at http://wiki.lib.umanitoba.ca/ tiki-index.php?page=Anesthesia?Clinical?Assistants? Programme. While the original impetus for this project was to prepare Anesthesia Clinical Assistants for self-directed, life-long, active learning, what emerged was a curriculum in IL germane to medical specialties and flexible enough to be used by healthcare professions generally. Conclusion An IL program, directly relevant to current expectations of competent practice, education and lifelong learning, has been created and is discussed within the larger context of curriculum-integrated IL for the health professions.
RésuméObjectif Ce compte-rendu examine le the`me de la maıˆ-trise de l'information (information literacy-IL) et son importance comme composante d'un mode`le de compe´-tence attendue dans les professions de la sante´, et pre´sente le processus et les re´sultats d'une collaboration entre le de´partement d'anesthe´sie de l'Universite´du Manitoba et les Bibliothe`ques des sciences de la sante´. Cette collaboration avait pour but de cre´er, d'introduire et d'incorporer une formation en maıˆtrise de l'information dans une nouvelle formation en anesthe´sie. Constatations principales Neuf modules de maıˆtrise de l'information ont e´te´e´labore´s selon les normes de´finies par l'ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) et ajuste´es aux compe´tences CanMEDS du Colle`ge royal des me´decins et chirurgiens. Collectivement, ces modules explorent les outils modernes utilise´s pour aborder la litte´rature me´dicale de façon organise´e et efficace, ainsi que pour localiser, e´valuer et utiliser l'information de manie`re efficace pour re´aliser un objectif spe´cifique. Chaque module constitue la base d'une session de maıˆtrise de l'information qui allie auto-apprentissage et projets de groupe avec une formation sur ordinateur d...