The statement of basic materials. Analyzing works in the field of gamification of education, it can be said that the use of gamification methods helps bring the educational process closer to real practical activity. This approach allows students to learn the material more effectively and improve their skills. Game technologies are closely related to the self-realization of students' personalities, significantly increase the quality of education, and their implementation in the educational process is an important element in the development of the student's professional competencies. The game should be considered one of the types of interactive learning methods, which, among other things, aims to implement the psychological processes of student self-realization. During the pedagogical game, students take an active position, and their interest in the object of knowledge increases. At the same time, the teacher's role is transformed, he becomes the organizer, the leader of the process. To implement pedagogical interactive games in the educational process, the teacher is required to be competent in the use of appropriate technologies.