The article explores space transport cyberspace as a tool for controlling ground transport and spacecraft. Space transport cyberspace has two areas of application: space and ground. Space direction is associated with the control of spacecraft, ground control is associated with the management of ground transport. The role of monitoring in the use of space transport cyberspace is shown. The components of space transport cyberspace are described. The contents of the components of space transport cyberspace are disclosed. Support systems for space transport cyberspace are described. Coordinate systems are an essential component of space transport cyberspace. One of the main types of methodological support for space transport cyberspace is geoinformatics methods. The difference between information space and cyberspace is shown. The connection between cyberspace and the information field is shown. Cyber space is considered as a synthesis of space, network organization, information field and information space. An analysis of the concept of the term "space" and its relationship to the term cyberspace has been carried out. The article introduces the term "Space transport cyber space". A control mechanism using cyber space is described. Comic transport cyber space includes space transport and ground transport. Similar concepts are explored: network space, virtual space and cyber space of digital twins. For complex integrated management of a system of transport facilities, cyberspace is necessary.