We compare the dependences on the number of colors of the leading scattering amplitudes using the single index quark field and two index quark fields. These are seen to have different relationships to the scattering amplitudes suggested by chiral dynamics which can explain the long puzzling pion pion s wave scattering up to about 1 GeV. This may be interesting for getting a better understanding of the large N c approach as well as for application to recently proposed technicolor models. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.76.014014 PACS numbers: 13.75.Lb, 11.15.Pg, 11.80.Et, 12.39.Fe
I. BACKGROUNDGaining control of QCD in its strongly interacting (low energy) regime constitutes a real challenge. One very attractive approach is based on studying the theory in the large number of colors (N c ) limit [1,2]. At the same time one may obtain more information by requiring the theory to model the (almost) spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry [3,4]. A standard test case is pion pion scattering in the energy range up to about 1 GeV. Some time ago, an attempt was made [5,6] to implement this combined scenario. Since the leading large N c amplitude contains only tree diagrams involving mesons of the standard quarkantiquark type, it is expected that the required amplitude should be gotten by calculating just the chiral tree diagrams for rho meson exchange together with the four point pion contact diagram. There are no unknown parameters in this calculation. The crucial question is whether the scattering amplitude calculated in this way will satisfy unitarity. When one compares the result with experimental data up to about 1 GeV on the real part of the (most sensitive to unitarity violation) J I 0 partial wave, one finds (see Fig. 1 of [6]) that the result violates the partial wave unitarity bound by just a ''little bit.'' On the other hand, the pion contact term by itself violates unitarity much more drastically so one might argue that the large N c approach, which suggests that the tree diagrams of all quark antiquark resonances in the relevant energy range be included, is helping a lot. To make matters more quantitative one might ask the question, By how much should N c be increased in order for the amplitude in question to remain within the unitarity bounds for energies below 1 GeV?This question was answered in a very simple way in [7], as we now briefly review. In terms of the conventional amplitude, As; t; u, the I 0 amplitude is 3As; t; u At; s; u Au; t; s. One gets the J 0 channel by projecting out the correct partial wave. The current algebra (pion contact diagram) contribution to the conventional amplitude is A ca s; t; u 2 s ÿ m 2