Neural network innovation has become widely employed in many spheres of society, including education, due to the rapid growth of today’s global technologies and science. Promoting and interpreting wealth creation as a fundamental aspect is necessary. Education must implement efficiency of the management creation and use novel technological and scientific resources to increase the level of management of teaching in this circumstance. The level of management over education systems may also be effectively increased, complementing the framework to manage students’ academic development. An adequate learning idea, a specific instructional orientation, higher academic inspiration, joy of knowledge, and a readiness to study are the qualities intended to be established in the students. Initially, the student data are collected. Further, preprocessing has been achieved by using the normalization technique. Next, a convolutional neural network is proposed as a method for evaluating a student educational management system that takes into account dynamic student behavior during online learning. Moreover, statistical methods such as ANOVA and chi-square test are employed for further analysis. Finally, the performance of the system has been evaluated. Thus, the effectiveness of the student educational management mechanism is analyzed well and effectively.