We consider the problem of graph matchability in non-identically distributed networks. In a general class of edge-independent networks, we demonstrate that graph matchability can be lost with high probability when matching the networks directly.We further demonstrate that under mild model assumptions, matchability is almost perfectly recovered by centering the networks using Universal Singular Value Thresholding before matching. These theoretical results are then demonstrated in both real and synthetic simulation settings. We also recover analogous core-matchability results in a very general core-junk network model, wherein some vertices do not correspond between the graph pair.of the recent applications and approaches to the graph matching problem, see the sequence of survey papers [13,24,20]. While recent results [3] have whittled away at the complexity of the related graph isomorphism problem-determining whether a permutation matrix P exists satisfying A = P BP T -at its most general, where A and B are allowed to be weighted and directed, the graph matching problem is known to be NP-hard. Indeed, in this case, the graph matching problem is equivalent to the notoriously difficult quadratic assignment problem [37,8,7]. However, recent approaches that leverage efficient representation/learning methodologies (see, for example, [5,59,26]) have shown excellent empirical performance matching networks with up to millions of nodes.In addition to algorithmic advancements in graph matching, there has been a flurry of activity studying the closely related problem of graph matchability: Given a latent alignment between the vertex sets of two graphs, can graph matching uncover this alignment in the presence of shuffled vertex labels? This problem arises in a variety of contexts, from network de-anonymization and privatization to multi-network hypothesis testing [38] to multimodality graph embedding methodologies [11]. Many existing results are concerned with recovering a latent alignment present across random graph models where each of A and B have identical marginal distributions, and exciting advancements on the threshold of matchable versus unmatchable graphs have been made across many random graph settings, including: the homogeneous correlated Erdős-Renyi model (see, for example, [46,40,4,18]), the correlated stochastic blockmodel setting (see, for example, [45,38]), the ρ-correlated heterogeneous Erdős-Renyi model (see, for example, [39,41]), and in the correlated heterogeneous Erdős-Renyi model with varying edge correlations (see, for example, [49,42]).In the non-identically distributed model setting, the work in [14,15,16] provide theoretic phase transitions on matchability in the (A, B) ∼Erdős-Rényi(p,q, ) model (i.e., A ∼Erdős-Rényi(n,p), B ∼Erdős-Rényi(n,q) and the edge correlation across graphs in provided by the constant ; see Definition 2).The above results range from providing theoretic phase transitions on matchability [14,15,38] to providing nearly efficient methods for achieving matchability from an algori...