In general, an information security approach estimates the risk, where the risk is to occur due to an unusual event, and the associated consequences for cloud organization. Information Security and Risk Management (ISRA) practices vary among cloud organizations and disciplines. There are several approaches to compare existing risk management methods for cloud organizations but their scope is limited considering stereo type criteria, rather than developing an agent based task that considers all aspects of the associated risk. It is the lack of considering all existing renowned risk management frameworks, their proper comparison, and agent techniques that motivates this research. This paper proposes Agent Based Information Security Framework for Hybrid Cloud Computing as an all-inclusive method including cloud related methods to review and compare existing different renowned methods for cloud computing risk issues and by adding new tasks from surveyed methods. The concepts of software agent and intelligent agent have been introduced that fetch/collect accurate information used in framework and to develop a decision system that facilitates the organization to take decision against threat agent on the basis of information provided by the security agents. The scope of this research primarily considers risk assessment methods that focus on assets, potential threats, vulnerabilities and their associated measures to calculate consequences. After in-depth comparison of renowned ISRA methods with ABISF, we have found that ISO/IEC 27005:2011 is the most appropriate approach among existing ISRA methods. The proposed framework was implemented using fuzzy inference system based upon fuzzy set theory, and MATLAB® fuzzy logic rules were used to test the framework. The fuzzy results confirm that proposed framework could be used for information security in cloud computing environment.