If offline older citizens remain offline they will become increasingly disadvantaged from a socio-ecological point of view, as the Internet's societal pervasiveness progresses. We study reasons for non-use and the frequency, intensity, and, the socio-demographic correlates of Internet use of older citizens in Europe. Theoretical relationships on the individual and societal level are ascertained. The Eurobarometer of 2003 offers a range of variables to explore the diffusion of Internet technology among 55+ year-old people in Europe. Descriptive statistics and population average models are used to identify the correlates of Internet access. Within the population segment of older citizens, age continues to have a differentiating effect, net of marital, occupational, and educational status for Internet access. Model replications show that only a few of the net coefficients differ in size. Decisions to remain offline are mainly based on private access possibilities, motivational indifference, and deficient knowledge. Existing socioeconomic inequalities regarding Internet access crystallise within the older population, particularly in the Southern regions of Europe. A claim is made for a necessity to maintain efforts to close the digital age gap.