The widespread use of microprocessor-based digital protective relay from various manufacturers, the expansion of the programmable protective relay terminals’ functional composition, the lack of hardware, software and algorithmic support unification, problems of electromagnetic protection necessitate consideration of the issues of digital protective relay operational control automation [1-3]. The authors believe that the attention paid by operating services to the means and methods of the AC electric-traction netware protective relay Functional check is insufficient. Monitoring the correct protection functioning in real time when it is triggered by a short circuit makes it possible to identify all types of incorrect actions of the instrument units until the failure of the entire protection as a whole. The most common failures, such as “false response” and “unnecessary operation”, are detected with a probability close to unity [4-6]. The article discusses the principles of building a system of protective relay Functional check, applicable for all types of electric-traction netware protection that are currently in operation. Logical equations are given to identify incorrect actions of protective relay.