It is the goal of this section to publish material that provides information regarding specific issues, aspects of artificial organ application, approach, philosophy, suggestions, andlor thoughts for the future.Abstract: A numerical simulation model of the cardiovascular system has been developed. It consists of a model of the left atrium, the left ventricle, the coronary vascular system, the aorta, the arterial system, and the venous system. The input of the complete model is the elastance (pressureholume ratio) developed by the left ventricle. The shape of this elastance is constant in different circumstances. Left ventricular (LV) myocardial oxygen consumption and the amount of oxygen offered to the left ventricle can be calculated with the model. The model has been validated using data from a patient suffering from coronary artery disease. The measured clinical hemodynamical waveforms could be fitted to those generated by the model. With the numerical simulation model, it is possible to predict the functioning of the left ventricle under different circumstances. This makes it possible to study in vitro various pathological clinical situations. Key Words: Cardiovascular system-Left ventricle-Numerical
waveforms.A numerical model of the cardiovascular system can be helpful to study the hemodynamics in healthy functioning as well as those of several pathological clinical situations like hardening of the arteries, high arterial blood pressure, myocardial infarction, and coronary artery disease. Moreover, this model could be applied for in vitro testing of left ventricular assist device (LVAD) effect on hemodynamics. Subsequently, such a model could be used as a training Abstract: A 59-year-old woman was admitted t o o u r hospital because of heart failure. In 1988, s h e underwent aortic valve replacement with an Omnicarbon valve and mi-