This paper investigates the volatility persistence in sovereign bond yields of India and China during study period of 2010-2018. For that purpose, the researcher has applied the Engle and Lee (in: Engle and Lee (eds) Cointegration, causality, and forecasting: a Festschrift in honour of Clive WJ Granger, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 475-497, 1999) C-GARCH model to decompose the volatility of 10-year sovereign bond yields of India and China into permanent and transitory components. The results reveal that permanent conditional volatility shows long memory with long-run component's half-life decay ranges from 91 to 97 days for India and China, respectively. However, the temporary component of volatility much smaller with short-run component's half-life decay ranges from .70 to .75 for India and China, respectively.