Proteins are vital macronutrients, without which the development of the body is impossible. Proteins are involved in the development and differentiation of cells and the structure of organs and systems. Depending on the diet, the amount of proteins in the blood plasma can vary, leading to protein and protein-energy deficiencies. Accordingly, determining the impact of protein deficiency on human health, particularly on the occurrence of diseases associated with changes in cancer pressure and renal dysfunction, led to the formulation of the study aim.This review article aimed to systematise scattered knowledge, collect information on the state of the research on the issue, review the literature, compare data from different sources, review new knowledge with trends in developing this knowledge, identify new research areas, and review promising ideas. The review literature identifies several essential functions performed by proteins in the body.It has been found that a deficiency of protein in the diet leads to an imbalance in protein metabolism and changes in the volume of intravascular space.The descriptive review helped to identify the causes and treatment of hypoproteinaemia and dysproteinemia. Deficiency of proteins in the blood directly impacts the kidneys, causing damage to their tissues. Proteins are divided into simple and complex. Simple proteins include albumin, globulins, histones, protamines, and scleroproteins. Complex proteins include nucleoproteins, lipoproteins, glycoproteins, chromoproteins, and metalloproteins. Various biochemical blood parameters are used to diagnose kidney disease, including total protein, albumin, globulins, and others. Changes in these parameters may indicate the presence of pathological conditions associated with renal dysfunction.If the deficiency is extremely severe, various approaches are used to treat kidney-related impairment, including protein fortification, protein supplements, or infusions. It can help restore the balance of proteins in the blood and improve kidney function. Maintaining oncotic pressure with protein foods in the diet is very important to prevent kidney disease. It is concluded that starvation or insufficient protein intake contributes to the occurrence of diseases that negatively affect the standard of living.