“…More precisely: according to Rule1,in (4), USA is discovered as the owner environment of Virginia; in (3), the "ObligationToPayWithNationalCurrency" environment norm of USA is discovered; and in (2), this norm is composed with the "ObligationToImposeAStateCorporateIncomeTax" environment norm of Virginia. According to Rule3,in (12), Virginia is discovered as the environment of IMD; in (11), the environment norms of Virginia are discovered; and in (10), these norms are added as IMD norms. According to Rule4,in (16), IMD is discovered as the organization of the "AIMDSupplier" role; in (15), the norms of IMD are discovered; and in (14), these norms are composed with the "ObligationToRequestADownPayment" role norm of the "AIMDSuppier".…”