Investigation of an H-bonded dimer: Calculations of bonding structures and temperature dependence of the librational substructure of the OH-stretching band Dipole moment analysis of excited van der Waals vibrational states of ArH35ClThe high resolution rovibrational IR spectrum of the antisymmetric H 35 CI stretching lI5 vibrational band in the (H 35 Clh isotopomer of the trimer has been measured with a tunable infrared diode laser supersonic jet spectrometer. One of the most prominent features of the spectrum is a series of strong lines each formed with P P or rR transitions, with resolved K, J substructure developing between two adjacent P P or rR heads. Analyzing the spectrum of (H 35 Clh as the perpendicUlar band of an oblate symmetric rovibrator, the following molecular parameters have been obtained: lIo-C' {;=2809.776 98 (6) cm-I, B"=6.804 14(55) X 10-2 em-I, B' =6.859 43(55) X 10-2 em-I, c' -C"=2. 737(78)X 10-4 cm-I, D~K=-8.40(38)XlO-7 cm-I , D;K=-8.14(38)XlO-7 cm-I , D;=4.26(16)XlO-7 cm-I, D;=4.16(16)XlO-7 cm-I , D~=4.32(22)XlO-7 cm-r, D~=4.16(22)XlO-7 cm-I . A relationship among the centrifugal distortion constants establishes that the geometry of (H 35 Clh is consistent with a dynamically averaged planar ground vibrational state. The centers of mass of the H 35 CI components are separated by 3.693(1) A in this structure. Ab initio methods were also used to estimate the splitting due to the tunneling motions between clockwise (cw) and counterclockwise (ccw) identical structures. Both theoretical and experimental evidence indicate that the (HClh complex has a planar eqUilibrium structure with no observable tunneling probability between the cw and ccw forms, thus the molecular symmetry group of the complex is proposed to be C 3h (M).