Colorimeters and non-recording spectrophotometers for visible and ultra-violet light have been used for many years and are to be found in most microbiological laboratories. With the need for greater speed of operation, recording instruments are now coming into more general use. During the last two decades recording infra-red spectrophotometers have been developed and these have enabled the absorption measurements on micro-organisms to be extended into the infra-red region of the spectrum. Two factors have tended to retard the use of infra-red spectrophotometry. One is the high initial cost of the equipment and the other is the large absorption of infra-red radiation by water. Despite these difficulties, a considerable amount of work has now been done and it seems profitable to review the varied applications to which infra-red spectroscopy has already been put and to indicate the results which have been obtained by its use.Infra-red radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The lower wavelength limit is set by the long wavelength limit of perception by the human eye and the upper limit is arbitrarily fixed by the lower limit of present microwave techniques. The range of infra-red wavelengths is thus between 075 micron (,u) and 50O,. The measurements so far reported on biological materials have been confined to the region 1-16/t. The infra-red absorption spectra of most materials consist of a large number of absorption bands. These bands are due to the vibrational and rotational motions of the molecules which are excited by the absorption of infra-red radiation. The fundamental frequency of vibration of a particular bond or group of atoms in a molecule involves the motions of all the atoms in the molecule. For large molecules, however, it is found that a certain group of atoms or a chemical bond gives rise to an absorption band at a particular frequency which is almost independent of the remainder of the molecule. A spectrum comprises several of these absorption bands of different strengths and different frequencies, sometimes overlapping, sometimes simple and sometimes complex. No two different molecules, with the exception of optical enantiomorphs, possess the same bonds and groups of atoms and therefore no two different molecules have the same infra-red absorption spectrum. It is for this reason that infra-red spectroscopy is one of the most powerful analytical tools available to the organic chemist.The fundamental frequency of the stretching vibration of a carbon-hydrogen bond is approximately 1014 cyc./sec. The frequencies involved are so high that it is more convenient to characterize radiation by its wavelength or wave-number.The latter unit may be defined as the number of waves per centimetre. Radiation